Types of Taxes: Excise Tax


As citizens, we have a social obligation to pay taxes to the government. Taxes are a major source of revenue for any country, and they are used to fund government projects, maintain public services, and pay salaries to government employees. However, taxes come in various forms, and one such tax is the excise tax. In this article, we will explore the basics of the excise tax, its types, and how it affects our daily lives.

An excise tax is a type of tax that is levied on certain goods and services that are deemed harmful to society or have negative externalities. The government imposes excise taxes to discourage the consumption of such goods and services and to raise revenue for public projects. The excise tax is usually levied on the manufacturer or producer of the goods and services, but it is often passed on to the end consumer through higher prices.

Types of Excise Tax

Excise taxes can be broadly classified into two categories: ad valorem and specific excise taxes.

Ad Valorem Excise Tax

An ad valorem excise tax is a tax that is levied as a percentage of the price of the goods or services. In other words, the tax is calculated based on the value of the goods or services. Examples of goods that are subject to ad valorem excise taxes include alcohol, tobacco, and gasoline.

Specific Excise Tax

A specific excise tax, on the other hand, is a tax that is levied based on the physical quantity or volume of the goods or services. In other words, the tax is calculated based on the number of units of the goods or services. Examples of goods that are subject to specific excise taxes include firearms, tires, and airline tickets.

Goods and Services Subject to Excise Tax

The government levies excise taxes on various goods and services that are deemed harmful to society or have negative externalities. Some of the most common goods and services subject to excise tax include:

Alcohol and Tobacco

Alcohol and tobacco products are subject to ad valorem excise taxes. The taxes on these products are usually high due to their negative impact on health and society.

Gasoline and Motor Fuels

Gasoline and other motor fuels are subject to both ad valorem and specific excise taxes. The taxes on these products are used to fund road maintenance and infrastructure projects.

Firearms and Ammunition

Firearms and ammunition are subject to specific excise taxes. The taxes on these products are used to fund wildlife conservation and outdoor recreation projects.

Airline Tickets

Airline tickets are subject to specific excise taxes. The taxes on airline tickets are used to fund airport and air traffic control projects.

Impact of Excise Tax on Consumers

While excise taxes are intended to discourage the consumption of harmful goods and services, they also have an impact on consumers. Since the taxes are often passed on to the end consumer through higher prices, the cost of goods and services subject to excise taxes can be significantly higher than their true value. For example, the price of a pack of cigarettes is often several times higher than the cost of production due to the high excise taxes imposed on tobacco products.


In conclusion, the excise tax is an important source of revenue for the government, and it is used to discourage the consumption of harmful goods and services. There are two types of excise taxes, ad valorem and specific, and they are imposed on various goods and services that are deemed harmful to society or have negative externalities. While excise taxes have a positive impact on society, they can also be a burden on consumers due to the higher prices of goods and services.


  1. What is the purpose of an excise tax?
  • The purpose of an excise tax is to discourage the consumption of harmful goods and services while also raising revenue for the government.
  1. How are excise taxes different from other taxes?
  • Excise taxes are different from other taxes in that they are levied on specific goods and services that are deemed harmful to society, rather than on income or property.
  1. Who pays the excise tax?
  • The excise tax is usually levied on the manufacturer or producer of the goods and services, but it is often passed on to the end consumer through higher prices.
  1. What are some examples of goods and services subject to excise tax?
  • Some examples of goods and services subject to excise tax include alcohol, tobacco, gasoline, firearms, ammunition, and airline tickets.
  1. How does the excise tax impact society?
  • The excise tax can have a positive impact on society by discouraging the consumption of harmful goods and services and funding public projects, but it can also be a burden on consumers due to the higher prices of goods and services.

If you found this article informative, please share it on social media or leave a comment below with your thoughts and opinions on the excise tax. Additionally, if you have any further questions or would like to learn more about the different types of taxes, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Thank you for reading!

Source: http://www.geminidivision.com/


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